Hello, Svbtle. This is me, committing to writing.

2014 is my Year Of Creative Things Again.

Mid-2012, Lisa and I made an important discovery: I don’t have enough time to maintain a full time job, more than one hobby, and a happy marriage. So I restricted myself to one hobby at a time. And the rest of 2012 and 2013, that hobby has been web development projects. Approximately the same thing I do for work.

In 2014, that’s changing. I plan to create (with an illustrator) a children’s book, and dive back into creating music. One thing at a time, so that marriage stays happy.

And write. I’m working to fit in writing, just a little bit here & there, when I can. Nothing big or elaborate, but consistent. “Never hurry, never rest.”

And Svbtle’s going to help me. I hope y'all enjoy it.


Now read this

Why You Shouldn’t Use Vagrant: Real talk from a Vagrant burn-out

Hey, kid. Someday, some charmer is going to smooth talk you. “Why would you want MySQL and PostgreSQL both running on your machine all the time?” they’ll probably ask. “Just run them when you need them.” Then they’ll tell you about some... Continue →